Sentiment indicators for the euro area and Germany deteriorated in the fourth quarter of 2024. In Slovenia, activity in most sectors was higher year-on-year in the first ten to eleven months of 2024, and activity in construction continued to lag behind. Real exports of goods have stagnated since the slump in September,…


Charts of the week from 6 to 10 January: unemployment, value of fiscally verified invoices, exports and imports of goods and production volume in manufacturing

The number of unemployed fell slightly in December 2024 (seasonally adjusted) and was down by 2.7% year-on-year. In…


Charts of the week from 23 December 2024 to 3 January 2025: consumer prices, government bonds, real estate, turnover in trade and other charts

In December 2024, year-on-year growth in consumer prices (1.9%) was less than half the rate recorded at the end of 2023.…
